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 Vote your President here.

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Vote your President here. Empty
PostSubject: Vote your President here.   Vote your President here. I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 9:18 pm

-->Almost 10 months left before the Election here in the Philippine, many aspirants have began to lay plans for an effective campaign for presidency and plotting strategy, making noise to capture attention and luring the mass to vote them by telling them promises they swear allegedly to execute when they became the president; a usual persuation of the platform of all Party. Rich senators and former government officials have actually showed their desire to run as the President by the Commercial Add in Television they have just started to do as to give us hint about their Platforms. Those who have their reputation and position already are yet desiring the highest position of presidency to lead this country according to their plans they thought to be able to bring relief in the current problems of people and eventualy to pervade peace throughout the nation. Try to stop for a while and look back to those people who had become a president of this country, did not they also promise us during the Election the same things as job for many, housing for unfortunate, free education and clear development of our economy as aspirants-to-be-the-president now keep on promising? Where are those promises, were they became true?..NO! of course, however they keep on telling us something that would not become real once they have been enjoying the position for presidency already. So it is virtually so important to choose the right person to elect to become our leader, despite the fact that whosoever you choose it doesn't make any difference when you choose who you don't want to choose, all are just the same as the formers, and will be the same forever, what do you expect to an unperfect person? A good management,? A truthful leader? A reliable solution-giver? NO!. We just expect to an unperfect person are unperfect deeds too, nobody can be trusted nor can be lean on, but anyway, i am so glad to hear from you who is your prospect, the one you are going to vote, the one you'd like to be the President.
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